Friday, April 9, 2010

The Green Traveller: The Crosby St. Hotel, NYC

Wow...I feel like I hit the jackpot of sustainable, designer hotels.  This place is amazing.  The Crosby St. Hotel, situated in the heart of SoHo on a quiet cobbled street, is simply stunning.  The website doesn't give much detail about what aspects of it are green, but the hotel is in the process of acheived LEED Certification, so I have an idea of what the minimum requirements are.  NYC is high on my list of must sees, but I've always said I'm going to wait until I can afford to eat at all the best restaurants, visit the high fashion eco-boutiques, see the shows, and now, stay at the Crosby (ya, I know, you can do NY on a budget, but it just screams splurge to me!).  Enjoy the beautiful images, and if you ever pay a visit, make sure you write me with a review!

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