I mentioned yesterday that I would post some of my own DIY tree ideas. I was debating what to do at Sustain (my eco living store), as on contentious issues such as these I feel under the looking glass a little, so to speak. So, while walking my dog one day in the bush, I spotted this fallen branch and felt inspired. I set about dragging this larger than usual branch out of the bush, shoving it my Honda Fit and reincarnating it as a xmas tree at the store. I kind of like the whimsy and non-traditional feel of it.

{it doesn't get more eco than this! Sorry about the poor quality photo - not sure what happened there! I don't feel that it does it justice! It looks really great in person}

{i wanted to keep the decorations sparse and organic. folded paper cranes add a bit of colour, and i love how they look. there's a legend that says if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you are granted a wish. very romantic. look below for the instructions on how to fold one for your own tree.}

{notice the log house in the background? those were made by Bryce, age 11, with dead fall! the string balls are my own creation. very simple. to make: wrap hemp or sisal string around a small balloon. mix non-toxic, water based glue (of course) with water and use a paint brush to apply it liberally to the string. allow to dry then pop the balloon. make a slightly different version (i did this with darker string to accent) by wrapping string very densely around an old tennis ball - no glue required.}
What d'ya think?........
Here's is how to fold a paper crane. It took me a couple tries, but once you get it it's easy -
Thank you papercrane.org
It looks amazing! I love how you decorated it.