Hello again! I'm introducing yet another new column, part of PGD's exciting new line-up, called the Organic Kitchen ( Style me Green, The Green Traveller, Eco-DIY, Eco-Style and Pure Green Living are all part of the PGD family). The Organic Kitchen is about food, what is good for you, why eating organic as much as possible is so important, and what's both healthy and tasty. I'm not a cook, so a lot of this stuff is adapted from some of my favourite cookbook authors (Molly Katzen, for example), my mom, sister and hubby (all wonderful in the kitchen) and my more adventurous friends. My first installment is about Nutella! Who doesn't love this tasty breakfast treat? But a careful look at the label leaves this classy condiment a few nutrients short of healthy. Milk solids aren't always great, especially in the great gads that we ingest it; sugar, sugar, sugar {!}, our kids are hyper enough, among other things. Well, who knew how easy it is to make your own...? This is coming from my good friend Nicole. I didn't believe her 'till I tried it myself. I didn't even use a recipe, and it came out deliciously. Before I divulge the secret, here's a little more about hazelnuts, and why they're worth eating, especially for breakfast: rich in vitamins & minerals, provide your entire daily requirement of Vit. E, good for the heart (lowers the bad cholesterol), good for your bones, super high in Vit. B, and adjust the body's protein, fat and carb metabolism, and finally, good for the nervous system. I personally find this amazing. Eating organic hazelnuts ensures that you are getting the purest nutrients that haven't been tampered with by pesticides and other nasties, and preserves the environment and farming practices. Check out this site for more even more info. So, without more preamble, here's how you make your very own healthy Nutella:
1. Roast about 1 cup of whole hazelnuts, at 350 for 15 min.
2. Shake to remove skins.
3. In a food processor, purée until becomes oily (hazelnut butter, anyone?), about 3 min.
4. Add 2 tbsp. of organic cocoa, and a good glug of maple syrup.
5. Process until it globs up, then spoon into a jar.
Note: keep in the fridge to keep from going rancid (there are no preservatives in healthy food!)
6. Enjoy!